Thursday, November 30, 2006

Talking Weird Science Blues...

"Look what you can make with a little imagination, Son:

...a little imagination, an Amstrad PC, a bolt of lightning and a bra on your head!"

Don't listen to this movie, it sits on a throne of fucking lies and will only get you yelled at by your sister for ruining her "date night" underwear.


Sarah said...


Did you ever see the Weird Science TV show? It was pretty rubbish.

xox Sarah

Mark said...


*stammered breathing*

...but Vanessa Angela was so ridiculously smoking hot in that series.

*heart palpitates*

Actually,I don't even remember what the series was about, I'd be lost from the second she appeared in opening credits until I sobered up two days afterwards, naked and alone in the woods.

For many, the poor man's Elizabeth Hurley, but ask me, she's a very deserved recipient of a 9.7 on and I’d even endeavor that she makes that .3 up with that alluring British sass of hers.