Sunday, May 28, 2006

Photoshop made easy

Recently I've become obsessed with Photoshop. Well, I say recently, but in reality I've been at this game a long time. The object of all my sadistic talents is, and has always been, my brother in arms, Mantastic (I'll use his most apt nickname just in case one of the millions of readers out there know your true identity); and I'll admit over the years I've hounded my friend tenaciously with countless movie poster parodies and speech bubble quips, and while I'd like to promise all of this will stop, we both know that's a promise I could never keep (and perhaps deep down you don't want me too?), but today I've turned the tables and worked over myself.

However, in creating this latest digital tomfoolery I hit the Photoshoppper's preverbal wall: the colour matching was all amiss, with no hope of rectifying the most obvious of cut 'n' paste jobs. After some great inner turmoil and debate, I humbled myself by calling in the aid of my greatest rival, and to be fair, the leader of the pack in Patrick Stewart related .gif animation, Millie, Photoshop queen of the South and lover of all things booze related. Swallowing my pride, I send the work I had done to the photo away, attached to a note simply querying:

"I can't seem to colour match the neckline, send help."

Many moons pass but eventually I receive a reply that simply reads:

"I fixed it...I fixed it good!!!"

Skeptical at first, I open the email wondering if she has indeed "fixed it good," yet before the file has even fully refreshed I know I've received a piece of Photoshop mastery and the bar has once again been lifted to an entirely new level. Here's the finished product.

Surely, this evens the score a little, Mantastic, surely...

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